Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Gift In The Form Of A Story

One of the great Dominican pass times is porch sitting. This activity is performed just as it sounds. One sits in front of their house and watches for excitement. I remember I used to to this with my grandma on slow Missouri summer days but watching for excitement in Mao is much more...exciting. 
One night the fam bam and I were coolin out like we usually do. It was late so the excitement had all passed. The host father, the story teller/ “funny guy”, decided to fill this void with a story. This story I wish to share with you. 
One day two guys went walking in the woods. As they got farther away from town they sat down to take a rest. While sitting a snake slithers up the pants of one man and bites him in the testicle.  The man cried out and begged his friend to go into town and find help. The friend complied. Out of breathe the friend arrived to the doctors office in town and insisted the doctor come right away. The doctor who was preforming surgery couldn't go. The friend told the doc what happened and asked how he could help. The doctor instructed the friend to put his mouth on the wound and suck the venom out before it spread to the rest of the body. The friend ran back to his injured comrade. Upon arrival the injured inquired what treatment he was to receive. The friend who went to town told the man “Doc said there is nothing to do. You haven’t got much time left”. 
In itself this story isnt funny. But a few factors made it hilarious to me:
  1. it was told in spanish
  2. it was told by a 40 year old man which proves nut jokes never get old
  3. after receiving a luke warm response to the story pops decided to explain why it was funny
Until next time friends, PAZ!

1 comment:

  1. YO! It's nate if you don't have my personal email use and get at me.
