Friday, December 16, 2011

Recent Happenings

Aceyalone, co-founder of the the legendary hip hop group Freestyle Fellowship, tells us to “never say never because it never comes true”. My first few months here in Mao has helped me to better understand this lil gem of genius. I have felt ways I would have never thought possible. Grand highs and John Lee Hooker lows.
Days here are like syrup at a local pancake house in the south of the united states. Beautiful, brown, sweet, sticky, and warm.
Mao is a Taino word that means “land between rivers” or something like that. There are two rivers that run my city. One day my brother and I walked to one of the rivers in town.  At this river there is a bridge that is abandoned but one can walk/ climb out on to it. Once on this bridge we threw each other affectionate insults about who was more afraid to jump. Once over that I jumped, a 200 lbs bird flying for a few seconds, and landed in the cool water. It felt like those river baptisms you see pictures and videos of on the internet or tv. Refreshing, renewing. On the way home we snuck into a coconut farm and stole 2 cocos, cracked them bad boys, and drank the water. Niiiiiice. 
One Saturday I woke and my brothers excitedly told me we were going to the pool. I was asking what I needed to bring and they reacted a little funny. I didn’t pay it much attention since I’m used to saying or doing things that are weird and received with confusion. Once I walked out to head to the pool I realized why they acted funny about my question. The pool was a blow-up pool on the side walk in front the house. They were filling it from water being cyphered off by from pipes in the street. 
Every time we go to the super market, which is high post, we take at least 2 pictures. There are these artificial Christmas Trees for sale in the store and we can’t go in without  posing for the press.
I own and wear a pair of white bootleg brand crocs.

At least once a week my mom here says “I want something strange for dinner tonight. Will you cook?”
So far I have witnessed 3 machete fights. When they fight they actually hit one another with machetes. Imagine a mix between a high school fight where everyone crowds around and a prison yard brawl where there are no rules. Then add machetes. These are scary but also not. I don’t know how to explain it. Its so real it almost feels fake if that makes sense. 
Here kids go to school for half the day. They have these programs called Salas de Tarea where students can go on their off period and do homework and other enrichment type stuff. I am working in one at my organization. I am amazed by how eager they are to work with me and how open they are to new ways of engaging with material. I have to figure out a way to write about this that doesnt feel too revealing. Learning is an intimate thing and the sitation of some of the kids makes it feel wrong to casually write about their development. I will work on a way to talk about it. 
Something is funny with my ear. It feels like water is backed up in there but I don’t think it is that. My family told me I had to put urine in my ear in order to help unclog it. I was cautious at first thinking their advice was really a was to get a cheap laugh at my expense. After much discussion I realized they were really trying to help me. Soooooo I peed in my ear and held my head tilted to the side for a few minutes to let the piss do its magic. Didn’t work. Ear is still funny but now I have a new experience under my belt.
I shall holler at ya’ll later. Stay blessed. Boss up!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Site Placement

I got my placement. I will be going to a city called Mao. I will be working with an organization named Amigos de Don Bosco. WOOOOOOO! More to come. BOSS UP!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One Month In Country

September 17th was my one month mark in the Dominican Republic. I am grateful that this country has taken me in and given me food, housing, and warm reception. I would like to take this time to briefly relay some of my favorite moments and experiences thus far. 
Our first weekend in Santo Domingo a group of us were invited to a baby shower. We were told that in the Dominican Republic both women and men participate in baby showers. This is awesome because women and men both help make babies so both should celebrate this beautiful creation! Leading up to the baby shower we made a soup called asopao (spelling?).  They cooked it in a big pot outside using whatever was around to nurse the fire. I enjoyed this because we were in the capital cooking out like that. It was like a bootleg bbq. And ya’ll know me: the more janky the better. 
Another thing that feed my soul was playing Dominos late into the indigo velour night with my host family in Santo Domingo. Im not very good but I love to play. My performance is contingent on who my partner is and how good they are. However, one night I played with Dustin’s host mom Swell and we MURKED our opponents. I even took that last game like a BOSS.
A few weeks ago we all went into the “field” to visit a volunteer in their site to see how they live and see what projects they run. I went to visit Batey Monte Cristi outside of San Pedro. It was fun getting out of the capital and was enlightening to see how people live outside of the city here in Dominican Republic. I visited an orphanage while on my visit and it was intriguing. It was up until then, the most organized place I had seen in this country. It highlighted for me how many worlds there are within this world. It was a Catholic organization so I couldn't have my tattoos exposed. At first they told me to put bandaids over my arms...awkward. Finally, someone found a long sleeve shirt for me to wear. Only issue was it was a medium. I wear XL or XXL. So I got to walk around reppin a damn baby-t but it was all good. And it made me look buff so thats a plus. I feel like they were giving kids a pretty good life there although it was a bit stifling. Its hard to put value on because sometimes something is better than nothing and sometimes it is not. A kid there invited me into his home to listen to some of his music and gave me a cd of his work. That was awesome for me and I am glad he felt open enough to share with me. Dude goes in!
No one has pronounced my name correctly yet. When they act like its a weird name I tell them its Biblical which throws a bit of salt in they game (since they’re catholic or evangelical). I never had any nicknames before so I see it as filling that void. Woo!
Here in Monte Plata, where i’m living for 5 weeks, a few of us play baseball in the street with kids. Thats so fun! My host mom, Ramona, feeds me super well. Her lime juice smacks too hard! I got a hair cut from Tristan’s host brother Euris. Dude hooked me up! He gave some sweet side burns and a pencil line and errrrthang! I got a design in the back too. And he cut my eye I was sitting in the chair just feeling relaxed and letting him do his thing when all of the sudden he slicks my eyebrows with some paste type stuff. I brushed it off mentally thinking he was just slicking them down so i’d look cooler or whatever...and then in one stroke of the blade I was left pointless! For those who do not know me this may seem irrelevant but those who know me and my pointy eyebrows imagine seeing me without them...weird I know! But its all good. I am grateful for the fresh cut. 
The Peace Corps made it seem as if my tattoos would be a huge deal here but it hasn't played out that way. I feel like their warnings reflect their desires to deter certain types of people from service. IT DON’T MATTER THOUGH CUZ WE UP IN HERE DUN!
On the day of our one month we went to this sublime water fall and swam around for a few hours. That night we had a party. I played bones and danced. I finally got some swag to my bachata game. Woooo! Watch out! 
This is all I have for now. Peace, Love, and Respect to all mines. BOSS UP!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Week Til I'm Out

These past months or so have felt crazy. I feel like it was akin to a bender in that time moved fast and slow at once. Or that sleep deprived feeling. Its as if I was up all night and managed to fall asleep right before sunrise only to be jolted up by the alarm an hour later.  At any rate, there is a week until I leave for my Peace Corps service. My mom and boo threw me a (semi) surprise party to send me off. I generally don't really like parties for myself. I am always down to celebrate others but it feels weird to toot my own horn. Mostly, because I have problems ever being satisfied. I feel like I could always be better. But it was good to try and let that go and have people support me and congratulate me. So thanks to all who came out!

I am in Minnesota with my Mom and Brother until I leave. Since they have jobs and lives of their own I have had a lot of time to myself. Yesterday I biked from Bloomington to St. Paul and back. It was awesome getting back to the cities I used to cruise like a BOSS. Yay for the Midtown Greenway! While I was riding a song I've never heard, or paid attention to, came on my ipod. This mystery song sampled an Eric Thomas lecture on 'success'. What ET had to say was illuminating. For me, the most valuable thing he said was "you have to be ready to sacrifice who you are, at any moment, in order to become who you will be". Rebirth. Reinvention. Hearing this was like when you're in church and feel like the minister is talking DIRECTLY to you. You're sitting there like "damn how did they know I needed to hear that?!" Well, that damn sample was talking to me and only me yesterday. Hearing and thinking over this piece of wisdom given by Eric Thomas has provided a constructive paradigm for me think about all I will experience over the next few years. Today I lay the foundation for tomorrows success. It will be essential to always grow and stretch. If I hit a road block I need to think of how I NEED TO CHANGE to get the results I want. Ok enough Dr. Phil self-improvement shit.

Since I lived in Kansas City, MO but am leaving out of Minnesota I had to pack up all my stuff already. This is good for me because if I was flying out of KC I'd start packing at midnight the night before I was to leave. Yesterday I went to REI to get some sort of fast dry towel. Shit was expensive and fancy. It made me think how stupid I was for buying it. People in the DR shower everyday and regular towels seem to work fine for them so why do I think I need some fancy ass towel? I am not buying anymore fancy gear type stuff because its a waste of money and highlights sad class dynamics I want no part of. People wonder why Dominicans think all Americans are rich...well maybe because you and I both spent a grip on a damn towel. Just silly. Anyways, here is the list of things I will be bringing to my new home the Dominican Republic:

breezers (pants)-3
button ups-8
gym/comp shortz
rain jacket
running shoes
DO for the BO
shaving kit
nail clippers
hand sanitizer
kids books
red backpack stolen from a 5th grader
        severed hand
3 host family gifts

And with that, I will get at ya'll later. Holler!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Post

Dear Family and Friends,

I have created this blog in order to catalogue my experiences leading up to and during Peace Corps service. As you all may or may not know I will be leaving to the Dominican Republic in August 2011. I intend to learn how to get fancy with this here technology and put pictures up and all that goodness. Until then my words will have to suffice.

At the moment I am finishing up my last week at Brookside Frontier Math and Science School (BF MASS) here in Kansas City, Missouri. Soon I will be doing summer school. Following that I will go on a grand road trip which will end up in Minnesota where my fam and friends reside...Then its off to the DR. Ya tu sabes!

Here is a list of what I will miss about home (I think):

My Mom
My lil Bro
My big Bros
Hot chips
Hip Hop music and culture
American attitude
The gym
Daily showers (maybe, cuz ya'll know I'm grimey)
Internet (maybe)
My phone
Being able to frequently download new tunes
Using 35 as an elevator between Missouri and Minnesota
Seeing the suprise on people's face when I tell them I don't have a tv or microwave
White T's
Watching the very strained race relations on the Plaza
Pizza Friday
Giving and receiving Dap
Having a mean shoe game
People watching at the Mall of America

I am sure I will find more things to miss but at the moment thats what I've conjured up.

Here's a list of what I will NOT miss about home (I think):

American Attitude
Seeing the suprise on people's face when I tell them I don't have a tv or microwave
Watching the very strained race relations on the Plaza
Radio rap
Creepy white vans
Conservatives (Of the American variety)
Student Loans
American racism
American gender order

I am sure I will find more things that I don't miss but at the moment thats what I've thought up.

And with that my people, I will holler at ya'll later.